This week i am 24 weeks. So far this pregnancy is flying by and im feeling great. Im sure with the hot temps and long days ahead, summer will pass a little slower but i also have SO much to get done before this babes arrives that i wouldn't mind the next 3+ months slowing down. Im still working pretty much full time and probably will until August (kill me.. its supposed to be a record summer according to the weather man). Ive got her nursery all figured out in my head and hoping to get a good start on it in June. Ive been feeling pretty good the past couple of months. This pregnancy has definitely been super different than the boys. I'm already contracting on a daily basis and feeling a lot of pressure. Maybe she'll come early? I wont hold my breath. ;) She's a little gymnast and loves to move around, especially in the evening. Ive missed that feeling and love every minute of it. Getting dressed is starting to get more and more challenging and sometimes its not even my tummy as much as my boobs! They are out of control. (sorry if that was tmi). The boys are pretty excited about her, Maddon especially. I think he kisses my belly about 10 times a day. Its pretty cute.
I'm getting more and more used to the idea of having a girl and of course enjoying the shopping. I didn't think i'd like girl stuff as much as I do. Though.... i still dont love pink. haha. Please excuse the awful phone pic and the lack of makeup.
9 years ago